It works!
April 11th, 2016
It works! I work with cat rescue and between the foster cats in my home and my own cats, we have more than the usual amount of cleaning up to do. Over the years, I think we have tried just about every product on the market along with numerous 'home remedies'. Some didn't work at all, others worked for a while and then the smell came back. My Pet Peed worked right kept on working. The smell did not return. And it kept the cats from returning to that location. Try won't be disappointed. I'm really glad that I found this product. Wish I'd found it sooner!
It works!
It works! I work with cat rescue and between the foster cats in my home and my own cats, we have more than the usual amount of cleaning up to do. Over the years, I think we have tried just about every product on the market along with numerous 'home remedies'. Some didn't work at all, others worked for a while and then the smell came back. My Pet Peed worked right kept on working. The smell did not return. And it kept the cats from returning to that location. Try won't be disappointed. I'm really glad that I found this product. Wish I'd found it sooner!