May 5th, 2015
This product will bet the last product you will ever need when it comes to cleaning up pet stains or even human stains on carpet, or funiture. My 12 year old cat threw orange colored stuff from his breakfast on my brand new green rug. When I returned home 12 hours later I found the accident. I wiped up the mess with a paper towel then sprayed My Pet Peed on the stain and with no rubbing or scrubbing the stain was gone, no trace it was even there. I was extremely amazed. I highly recommend this product to anyone who has pets.
This product will bet the last product you will ever need when it comes to cleaning up pet stains or even human stains on carpet, or funiture. My 12 year old cat threw orange colored stuff from his breakfast on my brand new green rug. When I returned home 12 hours later I found the accident. I wiped up the mess with a paper towel then sprayed My Pet Peed on the stain and with no rubbing or scrubbing the stain was gone, no trace it was even there. I was extremely amazed. I highly recommend this product to anyone who has pets.